Voice of Trees
The trees, I do not think,
they would not speak so prosaically
of boredom and visitations.
No, they stand serene and
always connected to the other
tree and bird and flower and
even a very few people, lucky
ones who feel their quiet power.
If trees could speak and show
their being to those of us
rushing around on human timescales,
it would sound like poetry,
like musical scales, like whale song,
like motes of dust in sunbeams,
like butterfly kisses on your brow,
like laughter of surf on sand,
like beads clicking in prayer,
like a chorus of frogs in a pond,
like the chimes of a fairy brigade,
and you would not even know,
much less remember, you heard it so.
– Feb 22, 2013
– A poetic rebuttal to one of Frog Design’s “8 Brilliant Concepts For The Future Of Wearable Tech”